Curriculum Vitae for Robert A. Freitas Jr.


Professional Experience

1994-now: Senior Research Fellow, Institute for Molecular Manufacturing (IMM), Palo Alto, CA. Research/writing of the Nanomedicine book series, the first book-length technical treatment of the medical implications of molecular nanotechnology. Nanomedicine, Volume I, was published by Landes Bioscience in October 1999; Nanomedicine, Volume IIA, was published by Landes Bioscience in October 2003. Also published Kinematic Self-Replicating Machines (Landes Bioscience) in 2004. Continuing nanomedicine, diamond mechanosynthesis (lecture, patent, book), replicating systems, molecular assembler, and nanofactory research at IMM. Filed first patent ever submitted on positional mechanosynthesis and positional diamond mechanosynthesis in 2004-5, which issued on 30 March 2010. Co-founded the Nanofactory Collaboration (2006-now).

2009-2020: Faculty Member and Nanotechnology Track Advisor or co-Chair, Singularity University.

2000-2004: Research Scientist, Zyvex Corporation, Richardson, Texas. Research/writing the Nanomedicine book series, co-authoring a second multivolume book series on molecular assembler design, and consulting on nanotechnology development. Nanomedicine, Volume IIA, was published by Landes Bioscience in October 2003.

1987-1997: Editor and Publisher, Value Forecaster, a monthly econometrics and investment research newsletter (~500 subscribers)

1986-1987: Freelance business consulting, which included developing custom business software for Cargill Molasses Division, Western Region (Stockton, CA) and conducting a national manufacturing facilities expansion analysis for Energy Absorption Systems, Inc. (West Sacramento, CA)

1980-1984: Research Fellow and Study Editor, NASA/ASEE Summer Study Programs, including Advanced Automation for Space Missions (NASA CP-2255), the first technical engineering study of self-replicating machines, sponsored by NASA in 1980.

1977-1982: Editor and Publisher, Space Initiative (company produced numerous editions of Lobbying for Space, the first space program political advocacy handbook ever published).

1976-1986: Freelance science/technology writer for numerous popular publications, including Omni, Astronomy, Science Digest, Technology Illustrated, Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact, The Humanist, Student Lawyer, Chicago Tribune, Sexology Today, and others.

1975-1984: Astronomy/SETI researcher; conducted observational programs using optical and radio telescopes at Leuschner Observatory (U.C. Berkeley), Kitt Peak National Observatory, and Hat Creek Radio Observatory (U.C. Berkeley), which included the first optical SETA searches for possible Earth-orbiting artifacts and the first radio SETI search at the tritium hyperfine line. Also completed 500,000-word Xenology book (1975-1979).

1973-1974: Student Teaching Assistant in Freshman and Sophomore Physics Labs, Harvey Mudd College



1974-1978: Juris Doctor (J.D.), University of Santa Clara (Santa Clara, CA), School of Law

1970-1974: Bachelor of Science (B.S.), Harvey Mudd College (Claremont, CA), Physics and Psychology (double major)

1967-1970: High School Diploma, Menlo School and College (Menlo Park, CA) (college-level chemistry coursework)


Professional Service

2015-16:    Technical Program Committee, 3rd ACM Intl. Conf. on Nanoscale Computing and Communication (ACM NANOCOM 2016)
2013-14:    Technical Program Committee, 1st ACM Intl. Conf. on Nanoscale Computing and Communication (ACM NANOCOM 2014)
2013-14:    Program Committee Member, 14th Intl. Conf. on the Synthesis & Simulation of Living Systems (ALIFE 14 / 2014)
2011-now: Science and Technology Advisory Board of the Brain Preservation Foundation
2012-13:    Program Committee Member, 2013 Fourth IEEE Symposium on Artificial Life (IEEE Artificial Life 2013 / SSCI 2013)
2011-12:    International Advisory Board Member, Symposium J: Biomedical Applications of "Smart” Technologies (CIMTEC 2012)
2010-11:    Program Committee Member, 2011 Third IEEE Symposium on Artificial Life (IEEE Artificial Life 2011)
2010:         Intl. Program Committee, IASTED International Conference on Nanotechnology and Applications (NANA 2010)
2009-now: Founding Co-Chair and Founding Faculty Member, Nanotechnology Track, at Singularity University
2008-now: Scientific Advisory Board of the Alcor Life Extension Foundation
2008-now: Founding Member, Series Advisory Board, Nature-Inspired Computing Series, Wiley-Blackwell (book publishers)
2008-09:    Program Committee Member, 2009 Second IEEE Symposium on Artificial Life (IEEE Artificial Life 2009)
2007-08:    Program Committee Member, 2nd Intl. Conf. Quantum, Nano, and Micro Technologies (ICQNM 2008)
2007:         Working Group Member, Battelle/Foresight International Technology Roadmap for Productive Nanosystems
2006:         Technical Program Committee Member, First Workshop on Nano and Bio Robotics (NBR 2007)
2006:         Senior Advisory Panel, Touch Briefings (London); Business Briefing: NanoBiotechnology Review 2006
2005-now: Founding Member of the Scientific Advisory Board, The Lifeboat Foundation
2005-now: Founding Member of the Advisory Board, The Nanoethics Group
2005:         Scientific Program Committee Member, Artificial Life Special Session, IEEE Cong. on Evol. Comp. 2005
2005:         Scientific Program Committee Member, Complex Adapt. Systems, IEEE Cong. on Evol. Comp. 2005
2004-08:    Founding Member of the Scientific Advisory Board, Nanorex, Inc.
2002-16:    Honorary Vice-Chairman, World Transhumanist Association
2001-06:    Scientific Advisory Council, TransVio Technology Ventures
2001-now: Scientific Advisory Board, Maximum Life Foundation

2017:         Grant Proposal Reviewer, National Research Council, Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF)
2016:         NSERC Grant Proposal Reviewer, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC)
2014:         Peer Review Panel Member, Fifth EuroNanoMed Joint Transnational Call (grant applications), EuroNanoMed Project
2013:         Peer Review Panel Member, Fourth EuroNanoMed Joint Transnational Call (grant applications), EuroNanoMed Project
2011:         Peer Review Panel Member, Third EuroNanoMed Joint Transnational Call (grant applications), EuroNanoMed Project
2010:         Grant Proposal Reviewer, Opportunities and Risks of Nanomaterials (NRP64), Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF)
2010:         Peer Review Panel Member, Second EuroNanoMed Joint Transnational Call (grant applications), EuroNanoMed Project
2009:         Peer Review Panel Member, First EuroNanoMed Joint Transnational Call (grant applications), EuroNanoMed Project
2008:         NMRC Grant Proposal Reviewer, National Medical Research Council (NMRC, Ministry of Health, Singapore)
2008:         Grant Proposal Reviewer, Innovative Design and Manufacturing Research Centre, University of Bath, U.K.
2007-12:    NSERC Grant Proposal Reviewer, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC)
2007:         NMRC Grant Proposal Reviewer, National Medical Research Council (NMRC, Ministry of Health, Singapore)
2004:         U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) Ad Hoc Reviewer, Science and Technology Centers (STC) Program

2018-now: Editorial Board member for Precision Nanomedicine
2014-now: Editorial Board member for the Journal of Research in Nanotechnology
2012-now: Editorial Board member for the Journal of Nanomaterials & Molecular Nanotechnology
2011-now: Editorial Board for the journal Current Nanomedicine (formerly Recent Patents in Nanomedicine)
2011-17:    Editorial Board for the journal Nano Communication Networks (NanoComNet)
2011-14:    Editorial Board for the journal ISRN Nanotechnology
2008-13:    Founding Member of the Intl. Editorial Advisory Panel (also) for the International Journal of Green Nanotechnology
2008-14:    Founding Member of the Editorial Board for the Open Nanomedicine Journal
2007-13:    Founding Member, Intl. Editorial Advisory Board for the journal Studies in Ethics, Law and Technology
2006-12:    Founding Member of the Editorial Advisory Board for the Journal of Bionanoscience
2005-15:    Founding Member of the Editorial Board (also) for the journal Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology and Medicine (Also) (Also)
2005-now: Founding Member of the Editorial Board for the International Journal of Nanomedicine
2004-17:    Founding Member of the Editorial Board for the journal NanoBiotechnology
2003-now: Founding Member of the Editorial Board for the Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience
2002-now: Editorial Consultant for the Journal of Evolution and Technology

2000-now: Reviewer/Referee:              ACM Computing Surveys
Acta Astronautica
                                                                   Artificial Intelligence in Medicine
                                                                   Artificial Life
                                                                   Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine
                                                                   Current Drug Delivery
                                                                   Diamond and Related Materials
                                                                   Expert Review of Medical Devices
                                                                   Frontiers in Life Science
                                                                   IEEE Communications Letters
                                                                   IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering
                                                                   IEEE Transactions on Nanobioscience
                                                                   IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology
                                                                   IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part C
                                                                   International Journal of Machine Consciousness
                                                                   International Journal of Nanomanufacturing
                                                                   International Journal of Nanomedicine
                                                                   International Journal of Robotics Research
                                                                   Journal of Dentistry and Oral Hygiene
                                                                   Journal of Evolution and Technology
                                                                   Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems
                                                                   Journal of Nanomaterials & Molecular Nanotechnology
                                                                   Journal of Nanomedicine Research
                                                                   Journal of Nanotechnology
                                                                   Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets
                                                                   Nano Letters
                                                                   Nanomedicine (Future Medicine)
                                                                   Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology and Medicine
                                                                   Nature Communications
                                                                   Open Nanomedicine Journal
                                                                   PLoS Medicine
                                                                   Quarterly Review of Biology
                                                                   Recent Patents on Nanomedicine
                                                                   Solid State Sciences
                                                                   Studies in Ethics, Law and Technology
                                                                   Surface Science
                                                                   Trends in Molecular Medicine
                                                                   CRC Press (3 books)
                                                                   John Wiley & Sons (1 book)
                                                                   MIT Press (1 book)
                                                                   NSTA Press (National Science Teachers Association) (2 books)
                                                                   Praxis Publishing Ltd. (1 book)
                                                                   Springer-Verlag (2 books)

2000-now: Curator, Nanomedicine Art Gallery (Foresight Institute)


Awards, Distinctions, Tests, Other

2010:         Awarded first patent ever issued on positional mechanosynthesis or diamond mechanosynthesis (Also)
2009:         Winner, 2009 Feynman Prize in nanotechnology for theory (press release)
2009:         Paper ranked most accessed in Biology and Medicine area for the journal Nanotechnology in 2008
2008:         Finalist for Feynman prize in nanotechnology (theory) (9th consecutive year)
2008:         Second patent ever filed on positional mechanosynthesis or positional diamond mechanosynthesis
2007:         Winner, 2007 Foresight Prize in Communication (press release) from Foresight Institute
2007:         Finalist for Feynman prize in nanotechnology (theory) (8th consecutive year)
2006:         Awarded first Lifeboat Foundation Fellowship from The Lifeboat Foundation
2006:         Finalist for Feynman prize in nanotechnology (theory) (7th consecutive year)
2006:         Winner, 2006 Guardian Award from The Lifeboat Foundation
2005:         Winner, 2005 Harold Ellis Prize from the International Journal of Surgery
2005:         Finalist for Feynman prize in nanotechnology (theory) (6th consecutive year)
2004:         Finalist for Feynman prize in nanotechnology (theory) (5th consecutive year)
2004-5:      First patent ever filed on positional mechanosynthesis or positional diamond mechanosynthesis
2003:         Finalist for Feynman prize in nanotechnology (theory) (4th consecutive year)
2002:         Nanotechnology Now's “Best of 2002” nanotechnology website (Nanomedicine Art Gallery)
2002:         Finalist for Feynman prize in nanotechnology (theory) (3rd consecutive year)
2001:         Nanotechnology Now's “Best of 2001” nanotechnology website (Nanomedicine Art Gallery)
2001:         Finalist for Feynman prize in nanotechnology (theory) (2nd consecutive year)
2001-now: Original signatory, “Invitation to ETI ” group
Finalist for Feynman prize in nanotechnology (theory)
1999-08:    Fellow, World Technology Network
1999:         Published first textbook on medical nanorobotics (Nanomedicine, Vol. I, Vol. IIA)
1999:         Finalist for World Technology Award in Materials Science ..... Case Study
1998:         Published first technical nanomedical device design paper to appear in a peer-reviewed mainstream medical journal
1995-06:    Senior Associate, Foresight Institute
1987-93:    Designed and owner-buildered 4 bedroom house (current residence).
1982-now:  “Who’s Who” listings (WW in America, WW in Media and Communications, WW in the West, etc.)
1981-now:  Life Member, National Space Society (formerly L-5 Society)
1981:         Winner, 1981 Best Science Fact Article Award from Analog Magazine (see also)
1979:         Langdon Adult Intelligence Test IQ153 (99.95%)
1977-now: Member, AAAS
1975-98:    Member, World Future Society
1970:         Winner, 1970 Laboratory Science Merit Award for Chemistry from Bank of America (Menlo High School)


Lists of Publications

1993-now:    Nanomedicine, Nanorobotics, Nanofactories, Molecular Assemblers and Machine-Phase Nanotechnology
1988-1997:   Financial Forecasting, Econometrics, and Investment
1976-1991:   Astronomy, SETI/Xenology, Machine Self-Replication, Science, Law and Ethics



2015/16:        “Mechanical Computing Systems” (pending)
2007/08-12:  “Positional Diamondoid Mechanosynthesis” (issued 1 May 2012)
2004/05-10:  “A Simple Tool for Positional Diamond Mechanosynthesis, and its Method of Manufacture” (issued 30 March 2010) Also



2010:        Cast credit (as himself) in A-line of movie production “The Singularity is Near” ... full cast ..... IMDB listing for Freitas ..... Bonus Footage (YouTube)
2008-11:   Nanorobotics Technical Advisor for“Pig”, an independent film production by writer/director Henry Barrial and producer Mark Stolaroff
2002-03:   Participating Scholar, “The Next Thousand Years” Television Series (Foundation for the Future)
2000-01:   Nanotech animation consultant (also also), Thomas Lucas Productions (also), “Beyond Human” (also)
                        (aired May 2001, PBS TV) (also aired 1 January 2006 CBS "60 Minutes" interview with Aubrey de Grey)


Last updated 12 December 2023

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